The Chinese New Year, or Spring Festival, has more than 4,000 years of history and it is one of the most important holidays in China. This national holiday begins on the first of the Lunar Calendar and lasts until the 15th of the first month. The Spring Festival is the longest holiday of the year and has specific activities and traditions for each day. In 2023, the Chinese New Year begins on January 22nd and ends on February 5th with the Lantern Festival.
The Year of the Water Rabbit is one full of positive energy and good fortune, where the sacrifices of the past are rewarded generously. In the Chinese culture the rabbit is a symbol of peace, longevity and prosperity. Therefore, 2023 is expected to be a year of hope.
The Confucius Institute at the “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu is going to celebrate The Chinese New Year on 20th of January from 7:30 pm. The activities will take place online. (Meeting ID: 843 5143 0459; Passcode: 249031) on Zoom. Link:
We are looking forward to celebrate the Chinese New Year together.